Contract Access
Contract portfolio unique to your needs
Our ongoing contract review process assesses four major areas:
Plan components
Financial Terms
Performance Opportunities
Contract language
This ensures that Health Mart Atlas is entering into contracts that are best for our member pharmacies’ businesses, which includes access to over 200 million patients.
Health Mart Atlas participates as preferred in 62% of PDPs, which is the most among all PSAOs including exclusive preferred access to select plans.
On behalf of our customers, our contracts are evaluated and reviewed for:
Prescription profitability
Competitive performance
Performance Incentives
Separate rates for cash cards/worker’s comp
Audit terms and more
Contracting Resources
Medicare Part D
Health Mart Atlas is committed to gaining access to the right Med D contracts and helping you enroll your patients during the Annual Enrollment Period. We provide a toolbox of Med D resources, including Annual Enrollment Period marketing kits, contract details and educational materials to ensure you understand the complex contract details and can assist your patients every step of the way.
Effective Rate and DIR Reporting
Better understand your estimated financial impact for claims processed under Commercial/Managed Medicaid contracts with effective rate language.